Video, Webinars and Podcasts

Gerald Steinberg, Interview – ILTV January 12, 2025
ILTV January 21 2025
September 16 2024 —

Recorded June 2024: Gerald Steinberg’s interview with MENA-Watch (Germany) on the moral corruption and hypocrisy of the powerful human rights NGO industry. Topics include 1) Europe’s massive and accountable funding for tens of political NGO subcontractors under the facade of civil society (Europe-based Israeli, and Palestinian); 2) the network of NGOs linked to terror organizations (ie, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – PFLP) funded by European governments; 3) the central role of the NGO industry – Human Rights Watch & Amnesty International — in weaponizing human rights against Israel and Jews; and 4) the absence of independent oversight, checks and balances, and due diligence in the funding and operation of the NGO industry. 5) The role of NGO Monitor is providing independent research on the activities of these organizations. 

Interviewed by Skynews Australia — with Hillel Neuer (UNWatch), Joel Burnie (AIJAC) and Michael Danby on UNRWA’s terror links, corruption, central role in fueling the Gaza war, and the necessity of ending funds for wasted “aid” and instead promoting cooperative Palestinian economic development. Feb 9 2024
Interviewed by Skynews Australia — with Hillel Neuer (UNWatch), Joel Burnie (AIJAC) and Michael Danby on UNRWA’s terror links, corruption, central role in fueling the Gaza war, and the necessity of ending funds for wasted “aid” and instead promoting cooperative Palestinian economic development. Feb 9 2024
ILTV Insider with Miri Eisen

>>Gerald Steinberg’s presentations before the UN Human Rights Council, 2001-2024

Gerald M. Steinberg, “How Terror Organizations Weaponize ‘Human Rights’ NGOs“, Podcast with Gadi Taub, Rumble, Israel Update-Israel at War, 11 December 2023

thePodcast: Who funds anti-Israel protests in Vancouver and beyond?, Bob McKin interviews Gerald Steinberg, Nov. 26, 2023

A conversation with NGO Monitor’s Gerald Steinberg (Part 1 and Part 2), The Giving Review, Michael E. Hartmann, Oct 31, 2023

Interview with SkyNews Australia on exchange of Palestinian terrorists for Israeli hostages, November 23, 2023

Bar Ilan University Professor of Politics Gerald Steinberg says Palestinians in Gaza are living in a “terrorist dictatorship”. SkyNews Australia November 1, 2023

>>Interview on developments in Israel (Jenin, Palestinian terror, domestic politics), ABC (Australia Broadcasting) Radio Nightlife July 6, 2023 Hour #2 (beginning at 1:25:00)

Prof. Gerald Steinberg on European government funding for NGOs promoting antisemitism, European Jewish Association conference “Shaping the Future of European Jewry Together” on May 16, 2023

ABC (Australia Broadcasting) Radio March 27, 2023 —

March 14 2023, ILTV discussion on Israel’s judicial reform crisis

March 6 2023: @I24 interview on Israel’s judicial reform negotiations

Apartheid in Historical Context: The Political War Against Jewish Self-Determination
April 4, 2022

Interview with Andrew Bolt, Skynews Australia, on World Vision Australia trial verdict on diversion of aid to Hamas terror. June 16, 2022

Exposing the Lies in the NGO Report: February 6, 2022

Durban Revisited: Anti-Zionism & Antisemitism: Panel with Prof. Gerald Steinberg (NGO Monitor), Former Maldives foreign minister Ahmed Shaheed, South African activist Olga Meshoe Washington, Sherri Mandell, mother of an Israeli terror victim, and David Michaels. (B’nai B’rith) speak about the 2001 Durban Conference, anti-Zionism & antisemitism. JBS, August 31, 2021

The Terror-NGO Nexus – with Prof. Gerald Steinberg, Menachem Begin Heritage Center, December 15, 2021

The NGO War Against Israel – Australian Jewish Association, December 15, 2021


Interview with BBC World Service November 4, 2021

מפגש בנושא המלחמה בדה-לגיטימציה למול מציאות משתה — מפגש בנושא המלחמה בדה-לגיטמציה למול מציאות משתנה של ח”כ שרן השכל – 14.12.2021


ILTV — Western countries ‘dismayed’ as first round of Vienna talks conclude– Gerald Steinberg, December 5, 2021

ILTV — Is Iran at the Nuclear Threshold?, Gerald Steinberg, Oct 10, 2021

Executive Council of Australian Jewry – ECAJ: Professor Gerald Steinberg and host Alex Ryvchin discuss HRW report, Durban IV, and the role of NGOs in inciting hatred towards Israel and by extension Jews worldwide. August 15, 2021

Panel – Durban Revisited: Anti-Zionism & Antisemitism: Gerald Steinberg (NGO Monitor), Former Maldives foreign minister Ahmed Shaheed, South African activist Olga Meshoe Washington, Sherri Mandell, mother of an Israeli terror victim, and David Michaels. (B’nai B’rith) speak about the 2001 Durban Conference, anti-Zionism & antisemitism. JBS, August 31, 2021

Gerald Steinberg: Presentation, Book launch for Double Message, Double Standard: Institutions Abandoning the IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism Court Danger, by Fiamma Nirenstein. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs August 11, 2021

Gerald Steinberg: NGOs, Antisemitism, and the IHRA Working Definition, Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism, Indiana University, February 28, 2021

כנס מקרור ראשון, 8 מרץ 2021

Gerald Steinberg, “Europe and Israel: A dysfunctional relationship”, Podcast, Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, September 8, 2020

Gerald Steinberg, “The campaign to delegitimise Israel within international institutions”, AIJAC, July 27, 2020

Gerald Steinberg “Antisemitism in the age of Corona”, Menachem Begin Heritage Center, Jerusalem, May 20, 2020

The War of Return, by Einat Wilf & Adi Schwartz”, Book Launch Hosted by Gerald Steinberg, NGO Monitor, May 13 2020

Gerald M. Steinberg and Yigal Palmor, interviewed on UN Human Rights Council BDS Blacklist, Knesset TV February 13, 2020 (Hebrew)

Prof. Gerald Steinberg, ABC (Australia) World, Discussing Netanyahu, Israeli Political Situation, November 2019

NGOs, Human Rights and Political Warfare– Conference presentation, August 2011

Refugee Politics and the Peace Process: An Overview, January 31, 2012

NGOs and the Distortion of the Universality of Human Rights – Conference on “Human Rights Organizations, the Media and Israel” October 31 2012

Prof. Gerald Steinberg: NGO “Lawfare” — Date: June 18, 2009 Conference: “Hamas, the Gaza War, and Accountability Under International Law” hosted by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs & Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Prof. Steinberg is featured on the BBC program, Have Your Say, discussing what the future holds after Israeli PM Ariel Sharon suffered what would be a life-ending stroke. 2006

Prof. Steinberg is interviewed for the CBC program, The National, regarding Ariel Sharon’s use of the word “occupation” and the implications for the future. 2003

Prof. Steinberg is interviewed on WNET’s Religion and Ethics Newsweekly for PBS, discussing the building of the separation barrier. 2003

See also Gerald Steinberg’s YouTube Uploads: