Essays and Opeds — 2013-2015

  1. Gerald M. Steinberg, “A Nation That Still Dwells Alone“, The Canadian Jewish News, December 29, 2015
  2. Gerald M. Steinberg, “NGO Wars: Is Restrictive Legislation Unavoidable?”, The Jerusalem Post, December 27, 2015
  3. Gerald M. Steinberg, “An Irresponsible Civil Society Harms Israel“, The Wall Street Journal, December 23, 2015  
  4. Gerald M. Steinberg, “NGO’s and the Economic Warfare“- The Jerusalem Report, December 14, 2015 
  5. ​Gerald M. Steinberg, “Greasing the Wheels of Hate” – Israel Hayom, October 25, 2015 
  6. Gerald M. Steinberg, “Memo to the CBC: Israeli Lives Matter“- The Canadian Jewish News, October 24, 2015 
  7. Gerald M. Steinberg, “On Europe, terrorism and demonizing Israel: Time for a Reset“, The Times of Israel, October 19, 2015 
  8. ​​Gerald M. Steinberg, “The BDS Wars: Some Signs of Success for the New Year” – The Times of Israel, September 13, 2015 
  9. Gerald M. Steinberg, “Can Europe’s Leaders Halt the Obsession with Attacking Israel?“- The Algemeiner, September 6, 2015 
  10. Gerald M. Steinberg, “John Gatt-Rutter and the EU’s Middle East fantasies” – BlogActive EU, August 30, 2015 
  11. Gerald M. Steinberg, “The Selling of BDS” – The Canadian Jewish News, August 24, 2015
  12. Gerald M. Steinberg, “Terrorists, hunger strikes and NGOs” – The Jerusalem Post, August 23, 2015 
  13. ​Gerald M. Steinberg, “EU research funds wasted on Amnesty’s Hollywood style CSI adventure” – BlogActive EUAugust 12, 2015 
  14. Gerald M. Steinberg, “Hamas is set to win a seat at the UN table” –New York Post, July 16, 2015 
  15. Gerald M. Stein​berg, “How the UN report shot itself and human rights in the foot” – i24News, June 30, 2015
  16. Gerald M. Steinberg, “Mads Gilbert and the theatre of the absurd” The Jerusalem Post,June 24, 2015 
  17. ​Gerald M. Steinberg,”Learning lessons from Concordia​”- The Canadian Jewish News, June 24, 2015 
  18. Gerald M. Steinberg,”Putting Israel on Trial at the Zurich ‘Kulturhaus’” – The Jerusalem Post, June 1, 2015
  19. ​​​Gerald M. Steinberg,”NGOs and the Return of Antisemitism“- The Times of Israel, May 12, 2015
  20. ​​Gerald M. Steinberg,”Publication of Israeli Soldiers´ Accounts Clouded by Political Agenda” –The Sydney Morning Herald, May 9, 2015
  21. ​Gerald M. Steinberg,”Comparing Oslo(1993) and Lausanne (2015)” –The Times of Israel, April 9, 2015
  22. Gerald M. Steinberg,”The contentious nuclear triangle” – The Jerusalem Post, April 6, 2015
  23. ​​​Gerald M. Steinberg,”Revealed: the anti-Israel network behind UN’s Gaza investigation“- The Jewish Chronicle Online, March 13, 2015
  24. Gerald M. Steinberg,”Schabas keeps demonizing Israel, despite ethics violations“- The Canadian Jewish News, March 4, 2015 
  25. ​​Gerald M. Steinberg,”Send the ICC to Argentina”-National PostFebruary 23, 2015​​​​
  26. ​Gerald M. Steinberg,”Resignation of Gaza investigator is big blow to Palestinian lawfare campaign“-The Jewish Chronicle Online, February 5, 2015​​​​
  27. ​Gerald M. Steinberg,”Swan song for Schabas“-The Jerusalem Post, February 3, 2015
  28. ​Gerald M. Steinberg,”Can Mogherini Repair EU-Israel Relations?“-Watching the Watchers, January 17,2015
  29. Gerald M. Steinberg, “Human rights, European money and the ICC wars” –The Times of Israel, January 5, 2015


  1. Gerald M. Steinberg,The EU’s Hamas fiasco exposes broken system– The Times of Israel, December 18, 2014
  2. ​​Gerald M. Steinberg,On journalists, political conflict and NGOs” – The Jerusalem Post, December 13, 2014
  3. Gerald M. Steinberg,“​​חוק הלאום: תשובה למסע הדמוניזציה– Israel Hayom, December 1, 2014 (Hebrew)
  4. ​Gerald M. Steinberg,Europe’s role in the ‘Jewish State’ law– The Times of Israel, November 29, 2014​​​​​
  5. Gerald M. Steinberg,“​Does Israel need the nation state law? Yes– The Jewish Chronicle Online, November 27, 2014​​​​
  6. ​​Gerald M. Steinberg,“The strange story of the Lancet editor and Israel“-The Canadian Jewish News, November 4, 2014​​ 
  7. Gerald M. Steinberg,”Richard Horton’s war on Israel” – The Jerusalem Post, September 29, 2014
  8. ​Gerald M. Steinberg,Breaking the Silence’ and Gaza”Jewish Journal, September 12, 2014​​​​
  9. Gerald M. Steinberg,“Foreign Support for Research and Advocacy– The New York Times, September 10, 2014​​​​​
  10. Gerald M. Steinberg,“Die islamistische Expansion gelangt an Israels Grenzen. Eine Gefahr für den jüdischen Staat – und seine NachbarnJüdische Allgemeine​, September 9, 2014 (German)
  11. ​Gerald M. Steinberg, ” Charity that exploits its high reputation for ethical work“- The Jewish Chronicle Online, September 4, 2014​​​​
  12. Gerald M. Steinberg, “History likely to repeat itself“-Israel Hayom, September 3, 2014​​​​​​          ———————-                      “השיעור חשוב מהתהליך”- Israel Hayom,  September 3, 2014​​​​
  13. ​​Gerald M. Steinberg, “Exploiting medicine to support terror“-The Canadian Jewish News, August 11, 2014​​ 
  14. ​Gerald M. Steinberg, “Mirror Imaging: On the Fallacies of Western Peace-making in Gaza“-The Times of Israel, August 8, 2014​​       
  15. ​Gerald M. Steinberg, “The war that Kerry and Indyk began“- Israel Hayom, July 16, 2014​​ (English)                                     ​                                                           “באים לעזור? רק מזיקים” –Israel Hayom, July 16, 2014 (Hebrew)
  16. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Die Hamas muss einen preis zahlen” – Jüdische Allgemeine​, July 10, 2014 (German)
  17. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “There is no ‘cycle of violence” – The Times of Israel, July 1, 2014
  18. ​Gerald M. Steinberg,  “What Israel is allowed to do“- The Times of Israel, June 23, 2014
  19. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Making Sense Of The ‘Pro-Israel’ Label” – The Jewish Week, May 13, 2014
  20. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Why does Germany fund demonization of Israel” – The Jerusalem Post, April 23, 2014
  21. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Passover and recognizing the Jewish State” – The Canadian Jewish News, April 11, 2014
  22. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “BDS and Oxfam defeated at the Super Bowl” – The Canadian Jewish News​, February 7, 2014
  23. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Confronting European funding for BDS” – The Times of Israel, January 29, 2014
  24. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Peace, war and messianism” – The Jerusalem Post, January 25, 2014
  25. ​Gerald M. Steinberg,  “An arms cache, and the Palestinian state of terror” – The Canadian Jewish News, January 13, 2014
  26. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “​Ariel Sharon and HRW’s anti-Israel obsession” – The Times of Israel, January 12, 2014
  27. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “How European governments propel the boycott war” – The Times of Israel, January 8, 2014


  1. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “The wrong way to fight foreign meddling in Israel” – Haaretz​, December 18, 2013
  2. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Peace Now and the facade of democratic debate” – The Times of Israel, December 11, 2013
  3. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Exploiting Israel’s Negev Bedouin” –Jewish Journal, December 10, 2013
  4. “Interview: Gerald Steinberg on the Growing U.S.-Israel Rift” Council on Foreign Relations (NY), November 19, 2013
  5. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “A still, small leftwing voice against BDS” – The Times of Israel, November 10, 2013
  6. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Reality contrasts sharply with anti-Israel propaganda” – The Canadian Jewish News, November 8, 2013
  7. Gerald M. Steinberg,  ​”The need for a big stick” – The Jerusalem Report​, October 17, 2013
  8. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “A positive sign from the Zionist left” – The Canadian Jewish News​, October 10, 2013
  9. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Obama as Global Social Worker” – The Times of Israel, September 25, 2013
  10. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Removing Syria’s chemical weapons” – ​The Jerusalem Post, September 22, 2013
  11. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Israel must tread carefully amid chaos in Arab world” – The Canadian Jewish News, September 13, 2013
  12. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Israel-bashing seminar does ANU no credit” – The Australian, ​September 11, 2013
  13. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Partners in failure” – National Post, ​September 5, 2013
  14. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “The utopianists return” – Ynetnews, ​September 5, 2013; “רבותיי, 1928 חוזרת”  Ynet, ​September 1, 2013
  15. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “On humility, repentance and Middle East politics” – The Jerusalem Post, ​September 3, 2013
  16. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Will Norway help Palestinian NGO destroy ICC?” – YnetnewsNorwegian (VG Online),  ​August 16, 2013
  17. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Iran’s New Leader and the Limits of Diplomacy – The Times of Israel, ​August 2, 2013
  18. ​​Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Netanyahu’s peace strategy as a rational choice” – The Jerusalem Post, ​July 29, 2013
  19. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Europe’s secret NGO wars: Who is anti-democratic?” – The Jerusalem Post, July 14, 2013
  20. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Beyond Tikkun Olam: An Agenda For Tisha b’Av” – The Jewish Week, July 16, 2013
  21. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Blood libels and delegitimization” – ​The Jerusalem Report, June 17, 2013
  22. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Looking back on 15 years of columns about Israel” – The Canadian Jewish News, May 17, 2013
  23. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Campus divestment campaign is a political war on Israel” – Jweekly, May 16, 2013
  24. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Human Rights Watch Spins Another Israel-hater Into a Hero” – The Times of Israel, May 14, 2013
  25. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Hawking, Goldstone and political warfare” – The Jerusalem Post, ​May 12, 2013
  26. ​Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Israel at 65: positive signs in the political war” – The Canadian Jewish News, April 21, 2013
  27. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Exposing ‘legitimate’ criticism” – The Jewish Chronicle Online, April 15, 2013
  28. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Zionism As a Moral Cause” – The Times of Israel, April 15, 2013
  29. ​Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Where’s the Money? (Hebrew: “איפה הכסף”)” – Maariv (Page 22), April 8, 2013
  30. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Palestinian NGO Blood Libel, Funded by E.U. and U.S.” – The Times of Israel, April 7, 2013
  31. Gerald M. Steinberg, In Every Generation, We Must Tell the Passover Story, The Algemeiner, March 20, 2013
  32. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Politics, Pharaoh and Passover” – The Canadian Jewish News, March 25, 2013
  33. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Signs for Mutual Undertandings (Hebrew: “סימנים להבנות משותפות”)” – Walla!, March 23, 2013
  34. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Obama and Netanyahu: Reboot” – The Times of Israel, March 17, 2013
  35. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Netanyahu is from Mars, Obama is from Venus” – National Post, March 13, 2013
  36. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Facts, footnotes and political warfare” – The Canadian Jewish News, February 26, 2013
  37. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “The immoral agenda of Human Rights Watch continues” – ​The Times of Israel, January 31, 2013
  38. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Obama, Israel and R.E.S.P.E.C.T.” – The Canadian Jewish News, January 28, 2013
  39. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Looking beyond January 22” – The Jerusalem Report, January 14, 2013
  40. Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Transparent meddling, opaque funding: the EU and NGOs” – Haaretz, January 8, 2013

Copyright 2013 © Gerald Steinberg ​