Musings on Jewish holidays, traditions, identity etc.

Passover — פסח

Gerald M. Steinberg,​ “From Slavery to Freedom: Keeping Israel at the Seder Table“, Jewish Journal, April 12 2022

Gerald M. Steinberg,​ “The Seder and Jewish Identity,” Canadian Jewish News, April 2017

Gerald M. Steinberg,​ “On Passover, God is a political realist“, Times of Israel, April 20, 2016

Gerald M. Steinberg, Passover and recognizing the Jewish state, The Canadian Jewish News, April 11, 2014

Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Politics, Pharaoh and Passover” – The Canadian Jewish News, March 25, 2013

Gerald M. Steinberg, In Every Generation, We Must Tell the Passover Story, The Algemeiner, March 20, 2013

Gerald M. Steinberg, “Why ‘this night’ is still different” – Jerusalem Post, April 9 2006

Gerald M. Steinberg, Why This Year is Different – Jerusalem Post, April 18, 2003

Gerald M. Steinberg, Last Year We Were Slaves. This Year We Are Free – April 13, 2003

Gerald M. Steinberg, Arafat in the Footsteps of Pharaoh – April 6, 2001

Gerald M. Steinberg, This Year and Next–In Jerusalem – Jerusalem Post, April 6, 2001

Gerald M Steinberg, “Psychological Slavery,” April 10, 2000

Gerald M Steinberg, Exodus From Kosovo – Jerusalem Post, April 2, 1999

Gerald M Steinberg, “The Slavery of Silent Suffering” – Jerusalem Post, April 12, 1996.


Gerald M. Steinberg, “BDS and the Purim Story: Disturbing Parallels“, The Canadian Jewish News, March 22, 2016

Purim’s Complex Lessons – Jerusalem Post, March 5, 1999