Conflict Management, Diplomacy and Peace ​

Gerald M. Steinberg, “The Azerbaijan-Armenia Peace Talks: Lessons from Israel and Egypt”, BESA Center Perspectives Paper 2: 199, May 29, 2023

Gerald M. Steinberg, Book Review: “The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream Has Obstructed the Path to Peace”, by Adi Schwartz and Einat Wilf, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, July 2020

Gerald M. Steinberg and Ziv Rubinovitz, Menachem Begin and the Israel-Egypt Peace Process: Between Ideology and Political Realism (Perspectives on Israel Studies), Indiana University Press, 2019

Gerald M. Steinberg and Ziv Rubinovitz, Not so reluctant: Menachem Begin and the Israel-Egypt peace negotiationsFathom, June / 2019

Gerald M. Steinberg and Ziv Rubinovitz, Israel and Egypt Made Peace in 1979 because Their Leaders Wanted toMosaic Magazine | 05.06.2019

Gerald M. Steinberg.Jewish Sources on Conflict Management: Realism and Human Nature in “Conflict and Conflict Management in Jewish Sources”, Michal Roness, editor. Program on Conflict Management and Negotiation, Bar Ilan University, 2008 25 Oct 2017

Gerald M. Steinberg, יישוב סכסוכים בינלאומיים: ניתוח ביקורתי של הגישה הפסיכולוגית חברתית
(A Critical Analysis of the Social Psychological Approach to Resolving International Conflict)
12 Mar 2015 Working Paper Series Bar-Ilan University – Department of Political Studies

Gerald M. Steinberg. “Conflict or Conflict Management in Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations?“, Orient (Deutschen Orient-Intsitut, Berlin), Vol 54, No. 3, (2015) 

Gerald M. Steinberg.   “Netanyahu’s Foreign Policy: Between History, Geography, and International Anarchy.” Orient (Deutschen Orient-Institut, Berlin). 54.2  (2013)

Gerald M. Steinberg.  “Riding Out the Storm” The special relationship between Washington and Jerusalem is under stress. What lies ahead?” The Journal of International Security Affairs No. 27 Fall/Winter 2014/5

Gerald M. Steinberg.  “False Witness?  EU-Funded NGOs and Policymaking in the Arab-Israeli Conflict.”  Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs​.  2.2  (2013) pp 59-73

Gerald M. Steinberg.  “The Limits of Peacebuilding Theory.” Handbook of Peacebuilding, ed. Roger MacGinty, Routledge, London (2013) 

Gerald M. Steinberg.  “Netanyahu’s Foreign Policy: Between History, Geography, and International Anarchy“, Orient (Deutschen Orient-Institut, Berlin), Vol. 54, No. 2, (2013)

Gerald M. Steinberg. “Unilateralism and Separation: Internal Developments and External Pressures after Oslo”, David Newman and Joel Peters, editors, Routledge Handbook on the Israeli Palestinian Conflict, 2012

Gerald M. Steinberg. “Jewish Sources on Conflict Management: Realism and Human Nature“, Published in “Conflict and Conflict Management in Jewish Sources”, Michal Roness, editor. Program on Conflict Management and Negotiation, Bar Ilan University, 2008 

Gerald M. Steinberg. ‘Postcolonial Theory and the Ideology of Peace Studies’, Israel Affairs, 13:4, 2007

Gerald M. Steinberg, “ACADEMIC FREEDOM AND THE AUT BOYCOTT CAMPAIGN: EXAMINING THE LESSONS”, Annual conference of the National Postgraduate Committee, August 12 2005, Glasgow

Gerald M Steinberg. “Canada and the complexities of Middle East peacekeeping: a response to Michael Bell“, Canadian Institute of International Affairs  (2004) 

Gerald M. Steinberg.  “Realistic Approaches to Conflict Management: The Centrality of Disengagement.”  Good Fences, Good Neighbors?  Israel, Eleven Years After Oslo (Arizona State University).  (November 14, 2004)

Gerald M. Steinberg and Jonathan Rynhold.  “The Peace Process and the Israeli Elections.”  Israel Affairs (Ed. Shmuel Sandler and Ben Mollov; Publisher: Routledge).  10.4  (Summer 2004):  pp. 181-204

Gerald M. Steinberg.  “Where Credit is Due: Reclaiming Begin’s Contribution to Making Peace.”  Menachem Begin Heritage Center.  (March 2004)

Gerald Steinberg, “Quartet Off-Key”, AIJAC Review (Australia) February 2003


Gerald M Steinberg. “Unripeness and Conflict Management: Re-Examining the Oslo Process and Its Lessons“, Program on Conflict Management and Negotiation, Bar Ilan University, Occasional Paper No. 4 (2002) 

Gerald M. Steinberg. “Conflict Prevention and Mediation in the Jewish Tradition (Special Volume on “Jewish Approaches to Conflict Resolution”)”, Jewish Political Studies Review. 12.1-2, 2000

Gerald M. Steinberg.  “Beyond The Oslo Process: Comparing Direct And Indirect Negotiations.”  Seminar on “Options for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations After Oslo.  (December 6, 2000)

Gerald M. Steinberg,  “The European Union and the Middle East Peace Process“,  Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Jerusalem Letter.  No. 418  (November 1999)

Gerald M. Steinberg, “The Human Dimension to Conflict Resolution: Confidence Building and Civil Sociey”, OSCE Mediterranean Seminar, Amman, Jordan, December 1999

Gerald M. Steinberg. Book Review Essay: “On the Brink of Peace? More Israeli Memoirs” Published in Studies in Contemporary Jewry, Vol. 16  1999/2000, Oxford University Press, pp. 313-319 — Review of Eitan Bentsur, Ha’Derech Lashalom Overt B’madrid (The Road to Peace Crosses Madrid), Yediot Aharonot Books, Tel Aviv, 1997 303 pp.; Itamar Rabinovich, The Brink of Peace: The Israeli-Syrian Negotiations, Princeton, University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1998 (Published in Hebrew as Saf Hashalom, Yediot Aharonot Books, Tel Aviv, 1998) xv. + 283 pp.; Uri Savir, The Process: 1,100 Days that Changed the Middle East, Random House, New York, 1998 (Published in Hebrew as Ha’tahalich, Yediot Aharonot Books, Tel Aviv, 1998) xi + 336 pp.

Book Review Essay: The Troubled Legacy of the Oslo Agreement, Foreign Policy, No. 109, Winter 1997-8, pp.155-158

Book Review Essay: “Probing the Secrets of Oslo” Published in Studies in Contemporary Jewry​, Vol. 14, 1997/1998, Oxford University Press

Gerald M. Steinberg.  “Barak’s Complex Foreign Policy Agenda.”  Jerusalem Letter.  No. 409  (July 1, 1999)

Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Palestinian Statehood, Autonomy Or Confederation: The Impacts on Israeli Security“,  Jerusalem Letter.  No. 357  (May 1, 1997)

Gerald M. Steinberg,  “Peace, Security and Terror In the 1996 Elections.” Israel Affairs.  4.1 (Fall 1997),  pp: 209-236; and Israel at the Polls: 1996, edited by Daniel Elazar and Shmuel Sandler, (Frank Cass, London) Published version contains minor edits

​Gerald M. Steinberg.  “A Nation That Dwells Alone? Foreign Policy in the 1992 Elections“,  Israel at the Polls: 1992 (Ed. Elazar and Sandler, Rowman and Littlefield)  (1994)